Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Creating a custom template for Project Server 2007

  1. Open the SharePoint Central Administration website
  2. Click on ‘Site Actions’ and select ‘Create’ from the dropdown list
  3. Click on ‘Sites and Workspaces’ from the ‘Web Pages’ Menu
  4. On the ‘New SharePoint Site’ page enter the required information as displayed in image:
    Title for the template
    Select a template
    Select ‘Use same permissions as parent site’
    Select ‘No’ in both the Navigation and Navigation Inheritance sections
  5. Click on ‘Create’
  6. The home page of the template is opened. Customize the template as needed
  7. To save the site as a template, click on ‘Site Actions’ and select ‘Site Settings’
  8. Click on ‘save site as template’ from the ‘Look and feel’ menu.
  9. Enter the required information for the template and click on ‘OK’
  10. The template is saved to the ‘Site Template Gallery’. Open the gallery and select the template and save it to your C:\
  11. Use stsadm.exe to upload the new template
  12. Open command prompt and use the following command:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BINstsadm.exe -o addtemplate -filename "c:\filename.stp" -title "title"
  13. You will need to do a iisreset when completed.
  14. Open the Project server instance and click on ‘Server Settings’ and click on ‘Project Workspace Provisioning Settings’
  15. Select the newly created template and click on ‘Save’
  16. Publish a test project to verify a workspace is automatically created using the new template

1 comment:

Adam said...

Make sure you delete your original project that you created your site template from. Failure to delete the orignal project will break site creation.