Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Project Server 2007 queue "Getting Queued" error

If you have a job that is stuck in the queue in a "Getting Queued" state, follow these steps to remove it.

  1. Log into PWA
  2. Go to Server Settings
  3. Under the Queue section, click Manage Queue
  4. Expand the Advanced Options section
  5. Check the option "Cancel jobs getting enqueued"
  6. Select the "stuck" job and click Cancel Jobs
  7. Have your PM save again
To avoid this problem in the future, make sure you instruct your PMs to wait until the bar on the bottom of Project Professional reads "Save job xx% complete. Expected Wait Time xxs". It is at this time that the job is in the queue and that Pro is no longer needed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Project Professional 2007 local cache

Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007 uses a local cache to let you work with projects as if they were stored locally, making the Save and Open operations much faster than in previous versions. You can adjust the cache size and location, and select specific projects to remove from the cache.

Learn more about the local cache

The local cache helps you work more efficiently by synchronizing a local version of your project with the version stored on Project Server.

When you check out a project, the local version is updated with changes made to the server version. As you make changes to the checked-out project, those changes are saved to the local version of the project.

When you check the project back in to Project Server, only those changes that were made while the project was checked out are synchronized to the server version of the project.

While working on a checked-out project, you may want to occasionally save the project to Project Server without checking it back in. When you save the project, it synchronizes the changes, similar to the check-in process. After saving a project, you can continue to work on the project while it is synchronizing your changes with the server. The local caching works in the background. A message is displayed at the bottom of the Project window, indicating the percent that the synchronization is complete, and approximately how much time it should take before the project is synchronized.

Remove projects from the cache

Removing projects from the cache can be helpful in reducing the number of projects you see in the Open dialog box, or in reducing the amount of memory used when you are approaching the cache size limit.
  1. On the Tools menu, point to Local Project Cache, and then click Cleanup Cache.
  2. In the Remove projects from cache section, in the Project Filter list, click Projects not checked out to you or Projects checked out to you to display the corresponding list of projects in the grid.
  3. Click the project in the grid that you want to remove from the cache, and then click Remove From Cache.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Creating a custom template for Project Server 2007

  1. Open the SharePoint Central Administration website
  2. Click on ‘Site Actions’ and select ‘Create’ from the dropdown list
  3. Click on ‘Sites and Workspaces’ from the ‘Web Pages’ Menu
  4. On the ‘New SharePoint Site’ page enter the required information as displayed in image:
    Title for the template
    Select a template
    Select ‘Use same permissions as parent site’
    Select ‘No’ in both the Navigation and Navigation Inheritance sections
  5. Click on ‘Create’
  6. The home page of the template is opened. Customize the template as needed
  7. To save the site as a template, click on ‘Site Actions’ and select ‘Site Settings’
  8. Click on ‘save site as template’ from the ‘Look and feel’ menu.
  9. Enter the required information for the template and click on ‘OK’
  10. The template is saved to the ‘Site Template Gallery’. Open the gallery and select the template and save it to your C:\
  11. Use stsadm.exe to upload the new template
  12. Open command prompt and use the following command:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BINstsadm.exe -o addtemplate -filename "c:\filename.stp" -title "title"
  13. You will need to do a iisreset when completed.
  14. Open the Project server instance and click on ‘Server Settings’ and click on ‘Project Workspace Provisioning Settings’
  15. Select the newly created template and click on ‘Save’
  16. Publish a test project to verify a workspace is automatically created using the new template

WSS 3.0 Configuring Content Types

This post describes step-by-step how to create a Content Type, used to create new document types, and adding it to a Document Library.

Creating the Content Type

This only has to be done once per Content Type / Document Type you want to add.

1. Open the PWA main site
2. Click “Site Actions” > “Site Settings”
3. Under Galleries click “Site content types”
4. Click “Create”
5. Type the necessary information:
· Name: Excel
· Description: Create a new Excel Document
· Select parent content type from: Document Content Types
· Parent Content Type: Document
· Excising group: Document Content Types
6. Click “OK”
7. Under “Settings” click “Advanced settings”
8. At Document Template select “Upload a new document template:” and browse to the file you want to use as a template.
9. Keep the rest of the settings as default
10. Click “OK”

The Content Type is now created on the main PWA site.

Adding the Content Type to a Document Library

1. Browse to the Document Library you want to add a content type to.
2. In the Document Library click “Settings” > “Document Library Settings”
3. Under “General Settings” click “Advanced settings”
4. At “Allow management of content types?” select Yes
5. Click “OK”
6. At Content Types select “Add from existing site content types”
7. At “Select site content types from:” drop-down list select “Document Content Types”
8. Select the required content type from the list and click “Add” to add the content type
9. Click “OK”
10. The selected Content Type should now be available in the Document Library.